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Our website is booksmets.com and named as Bengali Books PDF. Our Bangla booksmets.com has come up with a huge collection of rare Bengali books such as rare stories, dramas, historical essays, research papers, delightful essays, novels etc.
The main goal of our website is to collect knowledge of any Bangla text through our internet in this age of internet. Anyone can collect from our website and read online for this purpose.

Through proper education, it is possible to develop the humanity and values ​​of social life through which various improvements are achieved in human life. As a result, social development is possible, its main pillar is good education.
An important quote from poet Jasimuddin’s books came to mind while writing about the main purpose of our website.
“Books are a symbol of knowledge, books are a symbol of happiness,” he said of the importance of reading books. Without knowledge and joy human life becomes stagnant. If you want to develop life in a beautiful way, you have to acquire knowledge to make it fragrant. And there is no substitute for reading books to gain knowledge. Books are part of faith, books impart knowledge to sustain human society and civilization. Therefore, the book is the defender of civilization and also the key to civilization. About the depth of reading a book

People have come and gone from the antiquity of creation. Fame, values, resources, power, nothing can be given up, but what are their hopes and aspirations? What do they want? What can’t be done, everything they have written.

About the depth of reading, he said, “Books can take you past-present-future all the time. You can easily go to a country where you are never likely to go, the main step is the book.
Poet Rabindranath Tagore remarked, “The book is a bridge tied between the past and the present”. Eminent Bengali writer Syed Mujtaba Ali has said, “No one goes bankrupt by buying books”.

All in all, books can be said to be the best companions of human beings, so our request to all readers is to read and collect any book in Bengali or Hindi or English by yourself and help others to read.

Special Notice: If any person or organization tries to collect books or business from our website for any malicious purpose, then all copyright will be applicable to him. Out of copyrighted books on this website are collected from the Internet for readers and research students and children.