Copyright Policy

Copyright Policy:

Special Notice:
Most of the links to the books and PDF files of the books that have been shared and provided online on the pages of this website have been collected from the Digital Library of India (
It is also hosted by Indian Institute of Science Bangalore in collaboration with Digital Library of India, CMU, IITH, NSF, E-Arnet, MCIT. There are 21 major participating centers in India. The copyright policy from the Digital Library of India has been informed in the notification. This copyright policy is in accordance with the Indian Copyright Act, 1957.
All books on the DLI website are copyright-free. However, in the event of a potential copyright error, if the author or publisher submits a written request for removal from this web page, such request will be verified and must be complied with and our recommended copyright policy followed. Obeying India’s copyright law is a duty and must be complied with.