Shivaji by Jadunath Sarkar PDF

Shivaji by Jadunath Sarkar Bengali Books PDF

Name of book – Shivaji,
Author – Jadunath Sarkar,
Genre- Historical Books,
Book Pages – 246,
Book Size – 11 MB,
Book Format – PDF,

Shivaji written by Jadunath Sarkar

Jadunath Sarkar wrote the Historical Book Shivaji.

Whenever the glory of the Marathas ended, Shivaji was not responsible for it; Such a downfall has not dimmed his achievements but rather made them shine by showing the contrary example. His character was endowed with many virtues. His motherly devotion, filial piety, sense-control, religious devotion, devotion to saints, abstinence from luxury, industriousness and generosity to all communities were unmatched in other dynasties, even in many households of that era. As a king, he used all the power of the kingdom to protect the chastity of women, suppress the riots of his army, respect the temples and scriptures of all religions, and maintain the sanctity of saints.

What is the place in history of Shivaji?

To understand how fundamental and how great Shivaji’s talent is, one must remember that he achieved something impossible in medieval India. No Hindu before him was able to stand against the mighty Mughal Empire, as bright as the midday sun; All were defeated and crushed and disappeared. Seeing that, the son of this common Jagirdar was not afraid, rebelled and won in the end! This is because Shivaji’s character had an unprecedented combination of courage and determination; He could understand in a moment, how far to advance, where to stop – what policy is best to adopt, – exactly what can be done with these people and money. This is the sign of the highest political talent. This efficiency and acumen are the main reasons for his amazing success in life.

In the light of Shivaji’s glory, the sky of India was revealed. Aurangzeb, the Chakraborty emperor of North and South India, possessed immense wealth and a huge army, but could not suppress this illegitimate son of the Jagirdar of the Bijapur state.

Who is author Jadunath Sarkar?

Sir Jadunath Sarkar was an eminent Indian historian and expert on the Mughal dynasty. Sarkar was educated in English literature and worked as a teacher for a while but later turned to writing historical research. He had extensive knowledge of the Persian language and wrote all his books in English. He was the Vice-Chancellor of Calcutta University from 1926-1928 and a member of the Bengal Legislative Council from 1929-1932. He was knighted by the British in 1929.

Jadunath Sarkar was born on 10 December 1870 in a Bengali Kayastha family at Karachmaria village in Natore. In 1891, he graduated in English from Presidency College, Calcutta. In 1892, he stood first in the post-graduate examination in English at Calcutta University and in 1897 he was awarded the Premchand-Raichand Scholarship.

He was appointed in 1893 as Faculty of English Literature at Ripon College (later renamed Surendranath College), Calcutta. After being selected to the Provincial Education Service, in 1898 he was appointed to the Presidency College, Calcutta. In between, from 1917 to 1919, he taught modern Indian history at Banaras Hindu University and from 1919 to 1923 both English and history at Ravenshaw College, Cuttack. He became an honorary member of the Royal Asiatic Society of London in 1923. He was appointed as the Vice-Chancellor of Calcutta University in August 1926. He joined the University of Madras in 1928 as Sir W. Meyer Lecturer.

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