Bharatiya Banoushudhi by Kalipada Biswas

Bharatiya Banoushudhi Novel by Kalipada Biswas PDF.

Book – Bharatiya Banoushudhi,
Author – Kalipada Biswas and Ekkari Ghosh,
Genre – Ayurvedic Books,
Book Format – PDF,
PDF size – 42 MB,
Book Pages – 1006,

Bharatiya Banoushadhi written by Kalipada Biswas

Bharatiya Banoushudhi Ayurvedic Book by Kalipada Biswas PDF

The rare Plant Medicine book Bharatiya Banoushudhi has written by Dr. Kalipada Biswas and Ekkari Ghosh. Dr. Kalipada Biswas and his collaborators have published many rare books on Indian herbal medicine.

The book Indian Herbal Medicine was published by Calcutta University about 13 years later. The proposal has been delayed for various reasons. Description of plants This book has been written in Bengali language using proper scientific terminology. However, for botanists and researchers, the scientific name of each plant has been given a pure scientific name. And also, Latin names are mentioned, and common names of different provinces are mentioned for the convenience of the people and for the identity of the people of other provinces of India, so it will not be difficult to recognize the tree.

Our beloved Readers can collect the other rare Ayurveda medicine book here

Bharatiya Banoushudhi (Ayurveda Medicine Book)

In our country many times doctors do not find the exact tree, or it is not possible for them to know the exact identity of the tree, the modern scientific way. If the description and qualities of the leaves of the plant are written in simple Bengali, you can get the complete introduction of the medicine of the common people. The birthplace of each tree is mentioned in this text and what tree is needed and where it is found. There will be no difficulty in recognizing the tree with the help of pictures. For all these reasons, many have come forward long ago to help us in the task of recovering our lost resources, and many have requested to write a book in Bengali.

Which is the origine country of Ayurveda Medicine?

So, the author has published this invaluable book with a lot of effort for a long time. According to author Kalipada Babu, about 70% of foreign medicinal plants – such as quinine digitalis, epicacuanas, belladonna, lobelia, huasiamas, etc., can be easily cultivated and can be used in factories to make medicines. He has analyzed these beautifully in his book. This book must be useful for the welfare of the common man and the whole human race.

So, the PDF file of this book is given on this web page. Kabiraj, researchers and readers can easily collect the book from this web page and read it online.

Bharatiya Banoushudhi (Indian herbal medicine) Books PDF.

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